Please email me at or message me on any of my socials (@garbanzo.awelo on Instagram if you don't know any of the others) if you're interested in purchasing anything!!  You can also text me if you have my number!  I can take payments through cash (in person), PayPal, and Venmo!!  Thanks :)
Hawkeye - 4x6" Print - $8
Get your very own copy of this adorable, smiling cat who loves belly rubs.  
Yellow and black water-based ink on white paper.  4x6".
That's A Weird Looking Fucking Cat - 12x18" Poster - $20
Love that video about a cat that looks like Grandma, the fucking thing?  Want a poster version of it?  Today's your lucky day!  
Cyan water-based ink on butcher blue paper.  12x18".
Thor Lasers - 18x24" Poster - $30
It's a cat shooting lasers out of his eyes--what's not to love?  
Black, red, and mixed green water-based ink on white paper.  18x24".
Mondrian - 18x24" Poster - $30
Are you a fan of Piet Mondrian?  Ever wanted to get a Mondrian-style piece?  Get this lovely Mondrian inspired poster with a hidden name inside the shapes.
Red, yellow, blue, and black water-based ink on white paper.  18x24".
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